Monday, November 5, 2007

How about an update?!

This past few weeks we have been pretty busy between two birthdays and halloween. Jeni turned 14 on Oct. 28th and Jackie turned 12 on Oct 30th. They each had a birthday/halloween party in the game room with their friends. Jack finished the game room in july and those were the first party's in there. It was a hit! Jana insisted that EVERYONE dress up for halloween so we all did. Jack was a construction guy!! Go figure. He wore his hard hat and tool belt along with some "work" clothes. I was a wizard with a crazy looking wig. Colby was super man, Jeni was a dark angel and jackie was the devil. After we worked up an appetite we went to Seranos with Jana and Aaron for dinner. Its their family tradition after trick or treating. Best of all in true Garvin fashion we neglected to bring a camera.

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